Sunday, January 12, 2014


The fight in 2014 is between Congress and BJP, rather a coalition led by Congress and the one presided over by BJP. By inference, it is a fight between Modi and Rahul, though Congress is still fighting shy of declaring him as PM candidate, By default, some self interested, (shall we say leftist or ultra leftist groups in the garb of NGOs?), through a paranoid media, are sustaining a thoroughly orchestrated campaign that a new rookie bureaucrat-yet-to be-turned politician, Mr.Arvind Kejriwal too is in the fray. Like the proverbial Brahmin Priest that believes a goat as a dog as four thieves vouch for it, these groups and media believe gullible voters do believe their repeated theory. And like the five blind men reading various body parts of an elephant their own way, sections in the media are trying to interpret the immature actions of the new Delhi CM in their own way. "Is Congress too behind all this?". It is too early to say. Congress has its own ways to stoop and win. 

Though it sounds preposterous to think that Rahul will not be in the reckoning at all, let us, for academic discussion, assume the fight is between Modi and Kejriwal. What differentiates the basic traits and characters of these two personalities, the former a leader par excellence in his own right and the latter not "wholly matured even as a  person", leave alone a leader? A billion traits differentiate the two personalities. But, it suffices to quote a few.

Fresh in mind is latest fiasco at the Janata Durabar so enthusiastically propagated by Kejriwal. As per news paper reports about seven thousand people congregated for the much propagated Durabar. About one thousand police personnel were deployed for crowd control besides scores of plain clothesmen that guard the CM and his ministers and the 'invisible' security apparatus provided to them (as confirmed by the country's Home Minister). There was commotion. People jumped the barricades. The CM was lost for ideas. He could not control the crowds. His appeals went unheeded. He went away from the Durbar. His explanation was meek that there would have been a stampede if he continued with the Durbar.

Compare this with the meeting Modi addressed in Patna, a hostile territory considering that the CM of Bihar was a personal, if not ideological 'bete noir of' Modi. The meeting was attended by 7 lakhs people approximately. There were bomb blasts just when the address by Modi was about to start. People were killed and injured. Modi did not run away from the site. If he did it, there would have been panic. There would have been stampede. He kept utmost faith in the security agencies and addressed the meeting. He did not even mention the blasts. Finally he asked people to leave without fear and in an orderly way. There was no further damage.

The contrast here is self-belief and belief in the system by Modi and mistrust in himself and the system by Kejriwal. Blaming the whole system for a small fiasco is what Kejriwal is adept. Rectifying the system to see that fiascos do not recur is what Modi is adept.

Modi took over as Chief Minister in   2001      . In 2002, a train compartment was burned by miscreants in Godhra and there were riots across Gujarat. Modi too was new as Chief Minister then. The most sinister campaign was unleashed first by Congress and the thread later taken over by Media and NGOS that Modi was incapable of handling the riots and later turning the tables on him accusing him of direct complicity.

Modi's response was most statesman like. He did not go round blaming the system. He did not target individuals that targeted him constantly. He did not launch a counter media strategy to attack opponents. Above all he did not blame the system either administrative or judicial. He allowed the system work within the parameters of rule of law. He did not, as a matter of policy never retract his statements. Did we ever see him vacillate on his stand or being indecisive or passing on the blame to others? No. He faced the ignominy with the heart of a lion. Only after all courts and SIT gave him clean chit did he speak. He said "Satymaeva Jayathe". Even then, he was sought to be haunted by Media that all was not over and there were higher courts. As is his wont, he did not react.

Compare this with the "pusillanimous" attitude of Kejriwal. He seems to be afraid of his own shadow. He feigns arrogance and uses fake ignorance to escape criticism. He retracts from his stated position fast and frequently. Before elections, he tweeted many times, said on TV channels and some reports said he swore on his children too that he won't take support from or offer support to Congress or BJP. He accepted support of Congress to form government. His alibi is "We did not ask. They offered. They can withdraw". If a spurned lover is got married to the person that spurns him/her in a police station, the bride/groom can not claim that the other is not his/her spouse. Whether willing or not the betrothal is lawful. There are many flip flops like this. He promised free water to all; gave it to those with meters who are mostly rich. He promised 50% power cut and reduced 20% being offered already and made it 30%. He said he would start investigation into allegations on congress leaders immediately and is now asking for proof by BJP. His Jan Lokpal got delayed already. His promise to roll back CNG prices is yet to see the light of the day. To garner auto driver votes he ordered police not to book cases on them thus giving scope for anarchy on roads. Friday morning he said he was waiving the ten month pending power bills and closing all theft cases. By evening he changed his version. To top all, he took many diametrically opposing positions about his security  and accommodation.  The only thing he seems good  at is pointing fingers at BJP for everything including his unending cough. This is in exact contrast to Modi who works for the welfare of people without fear or fanfare.

Modi was born in a humble family. He was brought up in poverty. He sold tea to make livelihood. He served patriotic people and learned lessons from them. He led a dedicated and disciplined life. He remained incorruptible in thought and action throughout. He was lauded so by the foreign dignitaries that saw him work.

Kejriwal was born in a rich family. He had opportunities galore to study in the best institutions. There was not cognizable proof that during his early days he devoted much time on nationalism or eradication of corruption. If so, many officers in his parent department would have faced what he now says is the noose. He was not incorruptible in thought. He dodged paying eighteen month salary after he resigned from IRS quoting some rule, that he knows does not stand scrutiny. He is said to have dithered IT payment until notices were served on him. Above all he did not hesitate to take support from the "most corrupt" congress and is now supporting them to the hilt. He may not be corrupt but is certainly corruptible unlike Modi.

Modi has been a member of the RSS, by far one of the most nationalistic organizations in the country today, whose volunteers do selfless service. Many Sangh Sevaks did not marry, as family life would be deterrent to social service. They worked for welfare of Adivasis in Bastar by staying amidst them and serving their needs. Despite Modi being castigated by many RSS functionaries on many occasions for ideological differences, he never ditched his mentors. He negotiated, tried to convince them or adapted himself to the ways of the Sangh for the larger benefit of people.

Compare this to Kejriwal. He joined the IAC movement led by Anna Hazare. He used the platform of IAC to project himself as a crusader against corruption. He pursued his own agenda and through press conferences he built a larger than life image by some unsustainable corruption charges on a few politicians. Against the diktats of his mentor he floated a political party out of sheer political ambition. He never tried to adapt to the ways of his mentor.

Modi is a proven leader who led a state from disaster to endless growth. He saw that all sections of society received benefits of his governance. He helped the Muslims who were distanced from him without fear or favour. He won elections thrice amidst sustained vilification campaign.

Kejriwal is rookie. He is an aberration., a creation of overenthusiastic and paranoid media that misruled a state just for two weeks. He is so paranoid himself that he may not win a second term in case of a re-election that he took support from the 'most corrupt' congress. Now he has his eyes on PM post with support from all the disgruntled groups including congress.

Please judge these two personalities by their traits, their intentions and their actions. Judge them by their track record and not tape record of hollow promises and shallow speeches. Vote Modi. Vote stability. Vote for growth. Let the youth enjoy the fruits of economic growth. Vote for a corruption less governance. Vote for good governance. Finally, please do not invite "Aimless Anarchist Parties: into the already fractured body politic.

Vande Mataram                                    Vande Mataram                                Vande Mataram


Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Modern day Cinema is all about love, hate, factions and politics. A scene in a park and a song in Bangkok is all we see. Rarely we find a song that conveys a social message. In good olden days, directors used to have at least a song with a social message even when it encroached upon the main story line. We find these in Hollywood, Bollywood or vernacular language movies. Being from the land of the "Italian of the East", Telugu I thought I could share a few such messages here. 

The following is translation of a song from the Telugu Film "Gorantha Deepam" that contains a tribute to the Hindu philosophy and a message that we should strive to live like the citizens in Rama Rajya. A subtle message to voters too to live the dream of following the footsteps of our ancestors and bring in Rama Rajya back. There is a message that we should shun envy and hatred.

In this song a woman was wailing thus. Had I been a stone I would been touched by the feet of Lord Rama (and turned into woman). Had I been a hunter I would have sung an epic Ramayana with devotion. Had I been a boat I would have served Lord Rama to cross the river and had I been the footwear of Lord Rama I would have ruled rule the kingdom of (by) Bhakthi. (devotion)

How so I wish I were a stone,
By Rama's touch to turn into woman,
How so I wish I were a Valmiki,
To sing Ramayana with ardour and piety!

How so I wish I were a boat,
To help my Lord to cross the rivulet,
How so I wish I were Rama's footwear,
To rule His kingdom with servile fervour!

Had I been a bird in the jungle I would have saved my Mother Sita and earned the goodwill of Lord Rama. Had I been a squirrel on the banks of the great ocean I would have been helpful to my Lord Rama in my small way. By that I would have carried the finger prints of my Lord Rama on our backs through generations.

How I wish I were a bird in the jungle,
To save Sita and earn Rama's goodwill,
How I wish I were an itsy-bitsy squirrel,
To help Rama to cross ocean by a miracle,
And carry marks of my Lord's fingers,
On our backs through generations!

Had I been born a crow I would have helped Rama to turn a straw into an arrow by my horrendous act. How sad I was  born a human being to be part of this envious world, when insignificant creatures could be part of all these miracles?

Even if I were a crow that is despised,
I would have Lord Rama, helped,
With an arrow by Him to be killed,
An arrow from straw that He made!

How sad as a human born I were,
To spread in world hatred and fear,
When many a miniscule creature,
Served God's purpose with lots fervour!

Melodious music apart the song evokes immediate devotion for Lord Rama and the final message that it were better to be a bird, a crow, a squirrel etc., and even a straw to help the Lord and the Creator instead of being a human and spread hatred and fear, is heart touching.

Not only have devotion but live like a human for the purpose for which the God created you is a subtle message in the song.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


On Social Media "Modi Bhakth" is an epithet used by his detractors in other parties and media about those who feel it is exigent that the country choose him as Prime Minister. Very recently, Reserve Bank of India has sounded a note of caution that unless there is political stability in the country the economy is predicted to face doom very soon. And who can provide a stable government better than Modi? There are four different prospects for India.


The aim of BJP is 272+ seats on its own and it is working to that end. Even if it fails to achieve the magic figure it has as its future allies the most reliable Siva Sena in Maharashtra, TDP in AP and Akali Dal in Punjab. Unlike the UPA allies that shifted their stand per personal ambitions or to escape the noose in corruption cases these parties never supported the Congress policies. Between them these parties are expected to contribute a reasonable chunk of MPs and it can be said with impunity that they never ditch BJP for Congress. It will be good if BJD is too roped in as they too work on anti-congress plank. Thus, it is sure BJP+ can provide the needed political stability.


Congress/UPA almost dropped their ammunition even before the war started and are in the process of fleeing the field. There is reason. In 2004 they failed to garner even 30% vote on their own. And in 2009, thanks Prakash Karat, thy gained misplaced sympathy and got more seats. They frittered away the chance with a dummy PM and huge scandals looting the nation of its wealth. One way this helped BJP as it got a chance now to work with more vigour under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Modi. Now, Congress started its usual game of negative politics. The game is to divide the polity and see BJP does not get majority and rule the nation through proxy or anoint an unstable government that fails to deliver and project themselves as the 'inevitable' rulers. Thus, we can rule out Congress as a force that provides stability.

Third and Fourth Fronts: 

No one in politics knows what they are and what shape they take in future and who leads the loosely knit groups. At the best they can hope to get outside support from congress if BJP fails to get majority and it will sound death knell for the nation's youth and economy. Third or fourth fronts are mirages and stability will be a distant dream.


They are untested in ruling and already they are detested by majority who thought they would do something. One reason is their aligning with the congress and denying it time and again. Second reason is their inability to address important national issues. Fighting elections on the issue of corruption alone will not get votes. If it is so the corrupt and criminals never get elected. It is becoming more and more clear that they are a B-team of Congress to wean away a few urban votes. Very soon, one need not be surprised if they merge with the congress. Moreover, they are planning to contest only a few seats seriously that shows that in 2014 they are not serious contenders. Whither stability?

So the so called "Modi Bhakths" are right in being "Modi Bhakths". It is not only bhakthi for Modi but as patriotic citizens we feel a stable government under a strong leader who can speak to the masses in their own voice is need of the hour. It will be a disaster if a bureaucrat who is silent and when he speaks the voice we hear is dubbed behind the screen or  an untested heir of the first family whose views on many issues are not known till date. We also don't need a loosely knit coalition of regional parties wherein there are PM aspirants in dozens. And we certainly don't need a rookie whose only slogan is "anti corruption" and who does not hesitate to dirt his palms by shaking a dirty "hand".

What makes Modi so special to lead the country at a time when it is at the cross roads. Is it his caste, which is most back ward? No. Is it his humble background as a tea vendor? No. There are other leadership qualities in him that make him the most suitable leader that can take the nation out of the morass left behind by the Congress. 

1. Self-Belief

After he took over the reins of Gujarat one of the worst riots in contemporary India took place there. It was supposed to be a violent reaction to the burning of a train coach carrying RSS kar sevaks. A sustained vilification campaign was launched by all political parties and media of not only negligence of Modi in containing the riots but his direct complicity in engineering the same. Self styled NGO groups went on filing case after case and human rights activists were on roof tops crying 'wolf' and seeking his dismissal. One of the most reliable ally of BJP, the TDP too walked out of NDA. In the midst of all this vilification campaign Modi remained stoic and never said a controversial word on the subject despite all the noise and never stopped working for the development of his state and took special care to look after welfare of all sections including minorities. Even on denial of US visa he never commented. Only after he was cleared of the allegations by SIT and courts, he blogged saying how pained he was during the riots and said "Satyameva Jayathe". It shows his belief in truth and God. More so, it is a reflection of his "Self-Belief",the most important quality of a leader.

2. Governance:

He worked as Chief Minister of Gujarat for more than a decade. During this period he developed a "good governance' model and took the state to the highest level of development. He remained "incorruptible" as some foreign nations too acknowledged. He gave an almost corruption free government. He worked with a vision and achieved it. In the process he took his people into confidence. He addressed them directly. He heard their issues and put in place systems that helped them stand on their feet. He depended less on freebies and insisted on people being self-reliant, a different model tried in India.

3. Communication:

It is a pleasure to hear him speak. He connects with the masses instantly. He does a lot of home work before he goes to address a gathering of people in a place. He starts with the history of the people, lauds the proud children of the land who did the nation great service, appreciates the huge number of people assembled to hear him, says a good word about their patience in sitting so many hours in the heat, cold or rain whatever the day offered. He asks them questions and insists that they reply with raised hands. He attacks the opponents directly always mingling personal attacks with relevant issues concerned with people. He always avoids words that are unparliamentary or derogatory. Even the reference to Rahul Gandhi as "Shahjada" (though not offensive) was not heard after Congress took objection to the usage. 

4. Perseverance:

The last but not the least quality of any leader is "perseverance". Rarely you see Modi withdrawing a comment or his party coming to his rescue saying he was misquoted. He chooses words carefully so he does nor enter into controversy. Even recently when columnists, media and congress spokespersons attacked him for being purportedly wrong in quoting history he did not take back his words. He believed in what he said and there ended the matter.. Never a statement (as far as I saw) was forthcoming from his office saying he was misquoted. Not only in words but in actions too  he shows tremendous amount of maturity and perseverance. In the face of mounting attacks of his being anti-Muslim he went on with his work of developing their lot in his state so that as many as 31% voters of the community voted for him in 2012 (as per psephologists). 

He works silently but does not remain silent on issues or in governance. He works relentlessly for what he believes is right. He made it a point to take all sections with him, whatever is said by his detractors. This can be seen in the wide ranging support to him in his party and support of minorities by and large. He has a youthful image and a clear vision for the youth of the nation. Let us not loose the opportunity to see the nation back on the track of growth. Let us vote for India. Let vote for stability. Let us for growth. Let us vote for real secularism (not pseudo secularism). Let us vote Modi as Prime Minister! 

Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram!


I dedicate this blog to the Main Stream Media (called lovingly MSM) for their relentless negative campaign about Modi thus increasing his popularity ratings beyond comprehension that people in remote villages in the south too started believing that he would deliver the nation from the tyranny of the corrupt congress rule!



Monday, January 6, 2014


Modern day Cinema is all about love, hate, factions and politics. A scene in a park and a song in Bangkok is all we see. Rarely we find a song that conveys a social message. In good olden days, directors used to have at least a song with a social message even when it encroached upon the main story line. We find these in Hollywood, Bollywood or vernacular language movies. Being from the land of the "Italian of the East", Telugu I thought I could share a few such messages here. 

The following was a song from the picture "Velugu Needalu" which meant "Light and shadows". There were two or three songs in the film that conveyed a social message. I tried to translate and convey the message to the best of my ability both in text and rhyme forms. Hope you enjoy. 

The song starts like "Kala Kanidi, Viluvainadi......"

Life is not a bad dream. It is more precious than that. Do not drown your precious life in the never ending stream of tears.

Life is not bad dream,
It is but a melodious rhyme,
Drown not the life precious,
In never ending stream of tears.

When the wind blows down the flowering creeper will you leave it like that? Will you not water it  and see it booms again? 

When wind blows down a creeper,
That gives you a day a flower,
Will you leave it like that ever,
Without restoring it with water,
And see it blooms for ever!

Why do you struggle in the pitch dark surroundings and surrender yourself to the woes you face? Take the beacon light of courage and race ahead in life.

In the pitch dark never sit,
Brooding over depressing past.
Make courage your beacon light,
Go ahead in life and march fast.

As the precious stone lies hidden deep down in the ocean, there is pleasure hidden behind all the sorrows. Nothing comes your way on its own. Go search and find what you needed most in life.

Deep down the ocean, 
There lies a precious stone,
Deep behind your sorrows,
There lie hidden pleasures.
Nothing comes you way,
Unless you give it a good try!


This is life beyond the mundane politics. My life's desire was to be a good writer. I landed here. This song was always inspiring me in despair. It made a deep impression on my psyche.

This is the link for the song.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I helped many people in my life. I cant narrate all those. But one incident in my life taught me a lesson to help others even if it was painful to us. I was in my second form. (Now seventh class) Our English teacher gave a twenty word dictation. He told the class that for each mistake he would cane the student once. I committed two mistakes. The teacher was taken aback as I never did commit mistakes. It need not be said that I was the "blue eyed boy" of all teachers. So he told the class “Chandra never commits mistakes. I can not beat him. If any student is ready to take the two canes for him, I will spare him.” One Sambaiah who was lame with polio stood up and said ” Teacher. I committed 20 mistakes. So I get 20 canes. Another two will not add to my pain. I will take them.” The teacher spared the entire class from caning and said “Sacrifice is what Sambaiah showed today. Learn from him.” Alas! Sambaiah, being very poor, discontinued studies and joined a rice mill as daily labourer.
Still I feel his was a supreme sacrifice at a very young age. May God bless him and his kin with long life. Must be old like me.
We had two younger sisters after five brothers. As children, me and my younger brother, immediately elder to them used to accompany them for inviting ladies to functions in our house. On one such occasion, we could not find the lady of a house but her husband was sitting in the yard. We did not know how ask him to call his wife. My brother suggested, " We can ask 'where is your wife?" I said we cant do that. Finally we came to a decision and asked "Where is your mother?" The next day the entire village was talking this.
How Much?
During one mathematics examination my brother's class was asked questions like "If the cost of twelve mangos is Rs.12/- the cost of one mango is ------------" Fill in the blanks. For all the five similar questions he answered, "How much?" This was told in the school assembly and all had a generous laugh. I too felt bad. While returning home he started arguing with me what was wrong with that. It was, of course, correct answer. He filled in the blank. Then I told him that if it was English paper his answer was correct but as it was mathematics he should have made calculations and answered in figures. My mother consoled him.
The Lazy Guy:
I had a bosom friend whose friendship lasted until we were both fifty five. He was very lazy and over confident. One Sunday he came to our house in Hyderabad from Guntur at 10 AM. After greetings he told me this story." I have IAS preliminary examination today. Thinking that I opted for Hyderabad Centre I did not open the Hall Ticket cover and came here. Today morning, when I wanted to check the location, the centre was Madras. Now I remember I opted for Madras as I wanted to see that city." My wife started mocking me what a friend I got and we all laughed it away. Next year he cleared the examination. But he never changed his basic trait of being lazy.
I got National Merit Scholarship after my SSLC. The first cheque of the scholarship came to the college and I was summoned by the clerk. He asked me to sign on a revenue stamp where it was written, "Received payment" I refused to sign as I did nor receive any payment. The old man tried to convince me but I refused. He was very amused not angry. He took me to the lady principal who was a terror. She too was amused and asked me to sign and showed me the cheque and said as per procedure I should sign fist and receive the cheque but as a special case she handed over the cheque first. That day my prestige in the college soured as a guy who could convince the "terror lady" too. And the old clerk  blessed me wholeheartedly that day for being analytical in my approach at that age. I never forget him.


Thursday, January 2, 2014


Emperor Akbar asked Birbal, his minister  “Birbal, are the people in my Kingdom honest?”   “No your Majesty! Every person is dishonest in some way.  Only few people are honest but they are too few. So we can conclude that the majority is dishonest,” replied Birbal.  Akbar was astonished by the answer but found it hard to believe that people of his Kingdom were dishonest . He advised Birbal to prove his point. Next day, Birbal made an announcement on behalf of the King that a pot of milk each was required from people for feeding the poor with food.  It was announced that people could pour the milk in the huge tank that was kept outside palace gate, in a closed enclosure so that others couldn't see how much milk was contributed by each citizen. Each citizen thought that even if he poured water instead of milk the king would never know as all others would pour thick milk. So all the citizens poured water, assured that his one pot of water would not be detected. Next morning when Akbar and Birbal saw the tank, it was filled with water. 

The other day I was on a road that led to the Chief Minister's house. A long, serpentine queue of people, both male and female were waiting in the winter cold. The queue extended to few kilometres  and a few traffic constables were trying to ensure order while at the same time making a quick buck by allowing people that greased their palms to jump the queue. I knew many of them. They are filthy rich through money earned by illicit and dishonest methods. There were doctors, engineers, clerks, attenders, senior bureaucrats et al. I was surprised to see so many people of the same genre at one place. I asked an officer very familiar to me as my personal file for plan approval of a building I wanted to construct, was lying on his table as I refused to wet his hands. He said, "The Chief Minister asked all honest staff to report to him. So we came." 'So much, so good' I thought.

"But why are you carrying brief cases in your hands?" I asked out of curiosity. He said, "Just in case". I followed. This "just in case' carries a very deep meaning. "Why are you carrying food for three days?", if we ask a traveller travelling twelve hours, he replies, "just in case". That means "if the train were delayed for three days". If Lord Rama thought "just in case" before proceeding in pursuit of the fake golden deer Ramayana would not have been an epic. If Dharmaraja thought "just in case" before he staked his wife and kingdom in gambling  Mahabharata would not have enthralled us. But they were not government officers and employees.

So, here when he said "just in case"he might have meant "just in case the CM wanted funds for his future elections" or he might have meant that just in case the officer certifying them "honest" is himself as honest as all the other honest officers assembled there, these suitcases would be useful. Convinced about the purpose for which each employee was carrying a bag or a suitcase, I wanted to see how the CM and his honest than thou cronies, that default in paying personal taxes, test the honesty of the employees.Certainly they won't employ the same method that Akbar employed. 

What I saw surprised me. A computer was installed at the humble door of the CM. Each officer/employee was placing his two hands on the screen. If he were honest the screen would turn red and if dishonest it would turn black. And to my surprise all employees were passing the honesty test and they were returning empty handed, a smile on their faces  after meeting the CM. I was shocked. "How blatant?" I thought. I was circumspect, though. I closely observed the computer. A hidden hand is coming out of the computer and collecting the money bags. "So, it is the hidden hand" I thought.

My curiosity did not die. After the crowd cleared, I went to the computer and typed a question. "How did you manage that?" The computer chuckled and said in a human voice. "I am a system made by the most corrupt "HAND" in the world. Even the CM can not spend an hour in office without the hand's mercy. All of you install Windows in your systems. But the "hand" that made me installed lots of "Gates" in me. You name an alphabet, I have a gate. And it is the hidden "hand" that collected the money bags. Being so efficient a system and with so many built in safeguards, I am not able to catch the hidden hand.  I was made so corrupt by the "hand" that the whole lot of viruses across the world cant corrupt me further. Poor CM! He is dependent on the mercy of the same "dirty hand". How can he cut the "HAND"? Impossible." So saying the system sighed and went into "vipasana' mode! 


N.B.: It is satire on the present 'rotten' system and is intended to be laughed off. If anyone can catch the hidden hand, he will be awarded the "most honest" band in exchange for a bag of money!