the layers of an onion, under the first lie is another, and under
that another, and they all make you cry.”
He looked 'pathetic', is a simple
statement. I am not a vocal critic of individuals. I always try to
maintain a thin balance between ideologies and individuals. But when I
saw him defending his own 'facade' of honesty and his failed
economics in the Parliament I could not but change my stance. Since
this blog is about him, who, sans any ideology to boast of as his
own, ruled us for nine long and excruciating years I am forced into a
path I never tread, personal criticism.
There was vociferous demand from all
quarters in the Parliament that the PM make statement on the sagging
economy, the falling rupee, failing investor confidence and the
impact of fall in all indices and constant threat of downgrading by
rating agencies.. Added to this, there is the deeper malaise of banks
being downgraded by rating agencies and the ever increasing NPAs
despite all the window dressing done by them. And then there is fear
of escalating CAD and Fiscal Deficit. All this comes up and above
the deeper malaise of scams that ate into the vitals of economy.
First, it was said he would intervene in a debate, that we seldom
see! Then FM went on 'board” saying “all is well, it will end
well, don't panic'.But persistent demand forced the PM agree at last
to talk, on a subject he is deemed an expert. Alas! It turned out a damp squib. He blamed all in the world except himself for the
present scenario! Shocking! All that later. Let us see into his
personality traits and the various flip flops he committed during his
nine year rule.
That he is an economist is known world
over. What kind of an economist he is, is an enigma always. Under the
shadow of a maverick politician Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao, he is said to
have brought out Indian Economy from the abyss. That he was only a
bureaucrat following orders in a known fact. When he was made PM by
the supreme sacrifice of the single leader of the country, all
expected he would show his mettle. That was not to be. Albert
Einstein said “Two things are infinite; the universe and the
stupidity; I am not sure about the universe” Stupidity at its
heights of our PM brought us to a state where we even stopped
thinking “what next?”
He is said to be honest. It is a
facade. An honest man never keeps silent when, in his own name, lakhs
of crores of public money is being fleeced by his leaders and
lieutenants. And he says “Behind my silence there are thousand words”
and then too he fails to say those hard words. Let us analyze a few
of these “Manmorals” (we might name) during the past nine years.
“You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough” is a
good quote. He lived twice, both times he lived wrong and wants a
third chance to make all his wrongs right. His growth story has at
best become a boring, never ending serial.
In July, 2004 he wrote to the Chief
Ministers “ We should transfer rights and powers to the people”
What he did was to keep all his rights and powers in the hands of one
leader and leave the nation in the lurch.
In August 2004, while addressing the
anti corruption officials of states he moralized, “ With consensus,
we should evolve fool proof rules and regulations for all departments
for better working of Government Institutions, moral code of conduct
for political parties and moral code to all the public servants.”
Now we see CAG being demoralized by constant attacks, CBI being
called a “caged parrot” by SC as its independence was compromised
by none other than the PM himself, RBI Governor had to openly
castigate the Government of policy paralysis and undue intervention.
He commandeered the cabinet that brazenly sought to bring political
parties out of RTI. He presided over a cabinet meet that sought to
appeal in SC to reverse a landmark judgment on criminals not
contesting elections! “Anyone who thinks sitting in a Church can make
you a Christian, can also think that by sitting in a garage you will
become a car” is a quote. If he thinks, by moralizing he can be
sought to be honest, he is grossly mistaking us as fools!
While addressing Superintendents of
Police in September 2005 he preached, “In your professional duty,
you should not succumb to political pressures. You should draw a red
line somewhere.” He is not a politician. But did he ever draw a red
line? Instead he offered his worn out shoes to an Untested Tube Baby
politician to lead this nation of many challenges (multiplied during
his rule)! What a hypocrisy!
“Good health is the birth right of
every citizen” he said in March 2006. But he singularly failed to
arrange an ambulance to his only leader when she suffered from fever
and other ailments right under his nose in the Lok Sabha. How is it with
ordinary citizens?
“We should establish special courts
to provide speedy justice in corruption cases”, he said in April
2008, while addressing Judges of High Courts. And what did he say in
the RS the other day? “Corruption was there, it is there and will
be there?” Did he spell out what he did to root out corruption? No.
“Government must be pro-active,
imaginative and see that growth is inclusive.” he said while
addressing CII in April, 2008. Then, why by his own admission, 67%
population is looking for bare necessity of food? Why is the price of
onion suddenly jumping? What is the per day income of poor you are
assuming, Mr.PM? Rs.33/_ in Mumbai and Delhi? Is it inclusion in
growth after nine years?
“If we are given a chance again, we
will see that the country comes out of economic morass in hundred
days” he said while addressing an election rally in Rajasthan in 2008. The
state is due for another election. And he says in Parliament that they
committed mistakes and domestic issues contributed to doom in
economy? If he accepted failure so brazenly why does not he quit and
“Not only small cases, but big fish
indulging in corruption should be made to stand trial.” He
repeated in the meeting of anti-corruption bureau officials in
August, 2009. And what did he do? He made daughter of MK from
Tamilnadu as RS member to secure his own seat, even when corruption
charges on her are being probed. And how many big fish are booked till
“Government is taking all steps to
bring prices under control within a few weeks” he said in CWC
meeting in January 2010. After few years, the prices are increasing by leaps and bounds.
The CWC is still meeting and taking disastrous decisions! He is quiet!
Note: This blog was intended to expose the lies of our Prime Minister during past nine years of rule. Hidden under the veil of honesty these sweet lies tell the 'story of India" whether growth or fall! After his speech in Parliament brazenly trying to hide the facade of lies and put blame on opposition BJP to reenact 2009, it is inevitable the ball is taken to his court. The second part will follow as it is lengthy already.
The PM's quotes were courtesy "Eenadu" Telugu daily in a middle page column today under heading "Punayabhoomi" who painstakingly collected the PM quotes. I thank them.
Sir Very Good Post
ReplyDeleteMoral of Misses Mislead Story of Man Mohan Singh:
1. Honesty is not about Monetary Gains,its Moral Value
2. Politics is not Economics
3. Leadership Lives n Leads not Leaves it Lingering
4. Democracy Fails When people whom it is meant 4 do not participate for collective good and do it purely for personal good.
5. Misses and Misleads is a Mask for covenient Lies
Sharing my relevant post too.
Let me know if your post is on wordpress 2 reblog.
It will soon be posted. I will send link. Good. I read your blog too! We spread the message collectivly1
ReplyDeleteOne who leads looters can not be a moralist. Ex bureaucrat with little efficiency n least courage, supporting foreign origin lady in fulfilling her desires on cost of his own nation is a repetition of colonial era babus. In any other country he would have been tried before court of law for his role in coal scam.